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Curing Obesity (The Easy Way)

Obesity is the problem of prosperous people: malnutrition is the poverty-stricken world. Large number of people suffer from obesity in our time it has become a life-threatening problem. The New England Journal of Medicine tells us that our lives become shorter due to this problem. Obesity is identified in the person who weighs 20% more than standard weight.
Sedentary nature of jobs in modern life takes a heavy toll on our health. At school, college and office we spend most of our time working at desk. As a result our body does not get the exercise it needs. Cars, gadgets and remote control appliances have made us more lazy.
This fact has been published in the reputed medical website web MD. According to medical experts, heart attacks and strokes can be reduced only if obese people can reduce their weight by 5 to 10%. If they can change our diet, then they can reduce our weight. They need to increase our physical activity and watch their diet. They need to be a very well-disciplined person and follow the advice of a qualified doctor.
     1. Consult with your dietician: You should consult with a dietician immediately who will advise you the steps to solve the problem. 
      2. Eat healthy foods and reduce calorie intake: The calorie intake should not be severely restricted.  You can target reducing one to two pounds in one week.  Never go into a crash diet to achieve zero size.  Try to maintain a diet regime for whole life. You need to reduce the intake of sweets, fatty foods and processed foods.  These types of foods contain a lot of calories even in small quantity.  You can take dairy products containing fat in small percentage. Take healthy fatty foods like nuts, nut oils and olive.   
      3. Consult your doctor or a qualified gym instructor about physical exercise: The obese people should exercise 300 minutes per week. They need to exercise moderately and as a result, their weight will gradually diminish. One hour of exercise is very important for this type of people for 5 days  a week.   You can spread your exercises to different times of a day.  You should walk fast so that your heart beat gets increased. Use the staircase instead of taking the elevator; this will help burn your fat.  Engage yourself in household activities. This will help you reduce your weight.
      4. Change of behavior: The therapist can help you solve the issues related to eating habits. The therapist can train you how to reduce your hunger and stress levels. You are also requested to participate in a support group who are health-conscious.
      5.  To reduce obesity using medication, you can request your personal physician for Orlistat. This drug is approved by U.S. Government for losing weight. It stops fat absorption. It can be used as a supplementary medicine with dieting and exercising. The patients have reported a weight loss of 2.3 kg to 3.2 kg. 
      6. In extreme cases surgical method of weight reduction like liposuction is performed. If you are having a BMI of 40 and above, you should consult a doctor. If have a BMI of 35 and above, reduce your weight immediately otherwise diabetes will develop. The surgical methods can reduce the intake of nutrients in our body. The other type of surgery reduces the amount of food in our stomach. 
The surgical methods are as follows:
a)       Intragastric balloon.
b)      Laparoscopic gastric banding.
c)      Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
d)     Laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass.
e)      Laparoscopic approach to weight loss surgery.
 f)       Gastric imbrication.
      a)       Intragastric Balloon: It helps in reducing obesity without surgery. It is a silicone balloon that is soft and can be expanded, which is put inside the stomach through endoscopy.
      b)      Laparoscopic Gastric Banding:  It is a procedure with minimum invasion. We wrap our stomach with a silicone band that is adjustable. This compression reduces the stomach. 
      c)      Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Our stomach is stapled in the 2/3rd portion. The stomach forms the shape of a banana.
      d)     Laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass: This is a superb technique in bariatric surgery. This is a time tested procedure.  It is the most effective procedure that helps controlling the weight loss and diabetes.
      e)      Laparoscopic approach to weight loss surgery: Here keyhole surgery is made. This involves a tiny cut in the abdominal wall. This procedure is painless and helps in speedy recovery.
       f)       Gastric Imbrication: This is a procedure done laparoscopically.  This is also done like a keyhole surgery.  This is a least invasive method.
But judging obesity by BMI is not foolproof. According to Prof  Nick Trefethen of Oxford University BMI is wrong. The correct formula is: body weight x1.3, divided by height to the power 2.5.
Above all, let’s remember the simple truth we learnt at school: we should eat to live, not live to eat. A good health is the key to happiness and prosperity.

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